There may be a connection between sleep and anxiety. It is possible for a lack of sleep to cause anxiety. Similarly, anxiety can affect a person’s sleep. Treatments can include lifestyle changes, therapies, and medication.

According to research, 10–30% of the population do not sleep well.

This article will examine the close connection between anxiety and sleep and ways a person can enhance their sleep.

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According to an article in the journal Sleep, anxiety can cause problems with sleeping and vice-versa. Doctors have found there are some common brain pathways between sleep problems and anxiety.

According to an article in Current Opinions in Psychiatry, about 90% of young people who struggle with anxiety report sleep problems.

An article in the journal Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience notes that symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) include difficulty in falling asleep and staying asleep, restless, unsatisfying sleep, and sleep disturbance.

Modern technology may also play a role in anxiety affecting sleep. A study published in the Journal of Adolescence looked at 467 adolescents in Scotland and found that using social media at night increased anxiety as well as feelings of depression and low self-esteem.

A 2020 study in China of nearly 4,000 people aged 60 and older found that people with affected sleep quality and duration were at higher risk for anxiety.

The researchers studied those who reported poor sleep quality and adjusted their results based on other possible risk factors, including socioeconomic status, health status, and social support.

They found higher odds ratios that a person with poor sleep would have a higher chance of experiencing anxiety.

It is not clear if lack of sleep causes anxiety, or if anxiety causes an inability to sleep. However, researchers typically regard the two conditions as inter-connected and closely linked.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder where a person cannot get to sleep or has difficulty staying asleep.

A person with insomnia may experience:

  • problems going to sleep, even when they are lying in bed and feel like they are ready to go to sleep
  • waking up frequently throughout the night and not being able to go back to sleep
  • waking up much earlier in the morning than intended
  • waking up and feeling like they have not had a refreshing sleep

Some of these symptoms can overlap with other sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is when a person’s breathing stops and starts while they are sleeping. Anyone who suspects they have sleep apnea should see a doctor for evaluation.

There are two types of insomnia:

  • Acute insomnia: Stress can cause acute insomnia. It typically lasts for days or weeks. This insomnia type will resolve without any treatment interventions. Some lifestyle changes may also help promote sleep.
  • Chronic insomnia: Medication, medical conditions, or sleep disorders can cause chronic insomnia. It typically lasts for a month or more. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medications may help this type of insomnia.

According to an older 2010 article in the Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, those who struggle with chronic insomnia are more likely to experience a mental health condition, such as anxiety, substance abuse, suicide, and depression.

Anxiety is a symptom that occurs when a person perceives a more significant threat or stress from a situation or event than it would typically warrant. Anxiety causes a person to feel stressed, worried, and even fearful.

Doctors have identified different types of anxiety conditions, which include:

  • GAD: GAD is a condition that causes excessive anxiety and worry. A person finds it difficult to control their worry and can experience physical manifestations, including problems sleeping.
  • Separation anxiety disorder: This condition is common in young people and may occur due to the fear of being away from a family member, such as a parent, or far from home. Adults can experience separation anxiety disorder, and the fear of separation can affect their abilities to sleep well.
  • Social anxiety disorder: This condition causes a person to feel overwhelming anxiety related to social situations other people may consider to be commonplace. Examples of behaviors doctors associate with social anxiety include eating in front of others, speaking in public, or attending a meeting.

A person should see a doctor if they find their anxiety is affecting their happiness and interfering with daily life.

If a person is experiencing intense, vivid dreams or lack of sleep that significantly affects their ability to function in their daily life, they should see a doctor as soon as possible.

In addition to prescribing medications and discussing lifestyle changes, a doctor may also recommend therapy.

CBT can help a person identify thoughts that may affect their ability to sleep at night.

Anxiety and poor sleep are closely connected. Both are treatable with interventions to promote better sleep and help a person adapt their way of thinking about sleep.

Through lifestyle changes, CBT, and medications, a person can start to live a healthier, more well-rested life.