The prostate, or “male G spot,” is a small organ that can provide pleasure. It is located internally, between the base of the penis and the rectum. Stimulating the nerves attached to the prostate can be pleasurable.

This article will discuss what the prostate is, how it functions, some tips for maintaining a healthy prostate, and more.

two men in bed together who may try to find the male g spotShare on Pinterest
The male G spot may provide pleasure due to a collection of nerves in the area.

In males, the G spot is the prostate, which is around the size of a walnut. The prostate consists of three zones:

  • the peripheral zone, which is 75% of the prostate
  • the central zone, which is around 5–8% of the prostate
  • the transitional zone, which is 20% of the prostate

The peripheral zone of the prostate surrounds the distal urethra, which is the urethral tube that runs through the penis.

The central zone surrounds the ejaculatory ducts, which allow semen to pass through the penis.

The transitional zone surrounds the proximal urethra, which is a part of the urethra that runs through the prostate. A fibromuscular band encloses these zones, forming the prostate.

The prostate does exist.

It forms while an embryo is developing in the womb. It starts as an embryonic urogenital sinus. This sinus later develops into the urinary and reproductive organs.

It is exactly the same in male and female embryos until the 10th or 12th week of gestation.

After this, hormones called androgens start forming the prostate in male embryos. These hormones create male prostate activity once a person enters puberty.

The prostate is located inside the body, between the base of the penis and the rectum, which is the passage that leads to the anus.

It sits just beneath the bladder and surrounds the urethra.

As people get older, their prostate may increase in size.

The prostate sits around 2 inches inside the rectum.

A person can insert a clean, lubricated finger into the anus, with the finger pointing toward the navel.

The prostate is sensitive to pressure which, if correctly performed, can generate sexual pleasure. To stimulate the prostate, a person can apply pressure to the perineum, which is the area between the scrotum and the anus.

It is not clear exactly how the prostate provides pleasure. One 2018 review suggests that there are two different ways in which the prostate may provide pleasure.

The first theory involves a collection of nerves attached to the prostate. These nerves, called the prostatic plexus, come from the lower part of the pelvic plexus, which is near the spine.

The prostate, penis, and urethra are all attached to these nerves. An orgasm might activate these nerves, resulting in sexual pleasure in that area.

The second theory involves the brain. It may be possible that when paying more attention to the prostate, a person can gain more pleasure from it over time.

The brain can make a person become more aroused and find more pleasure in prostate stimulation if they focus on and practice stimulating the prostate.

According to the review, this process may cause the brain to expect more pleasure each time the prostate receives stimulation.

This process makes it more likely that a person will find prostate stimulation pleasurable.

Because a surgeon removes the prostate during a radical prostatectomy (RP), a person will not be able to experience pleasure via prostate stimulation after this procedure. However, it is still possible to experience sexual pleasure overall.

An RP is a surgical procedure that involves completely removing the prostate. This is one treatment option for prostate cancer. It is a common surgical option if the cancer has not spread from the prostate.

There are two kinds of RP. During a standard RP, the surgeon will cut the nerves surrounding the prostate. In a nerve-saving RP, the surgeon will not cut these nerves.

According to a 2017 article in the World Journal of Men’s Health, 33–77% of people who had undergone a standard RP experienced impaired orgasmic sensation.

Impaired orgasmic sensation ranges from a decrease in orgasmic sensation to anorgasmia, which is a lack of orgasm.

A 2014 study involving 256 sexually active participants examined the effects of RPs. It revealed that:

  • 60% of people reported less powerful orgasms
  • 57% of people found that it took longer to have an orgasm
  • 10% of people experienced pain during an orgasm
  • 5% of people reported anorgasmia

However, nerve-sparing RPs, combined with other factors, make it less likely that a person will experience impaired orgasmic sensation.

This is because the surgeon will avoid cutting the nerves that control erections.

A 2012 study found that 90.7% of people who had had nerve-sparing surgery, and 92.9% of people under the age of 60, were able to have an orgasm.

The prostate has uses in both reproduction and sexual pleasure.

The following sections will discuss the role and function of the prostate in more detail.


Ejaculate, or semen, consists of fluid from the glands lining the urethra in the penis, the Cowper’s gland (which produces precum), the prostate, and the seminal glands (which are located between the bladder and the rectum).

The prostate supplies around 30% of the fluid that comprises semen. It also gives the sperm some protection from the seminal glands. Seminal gland fluid has spermicidal properties, which kill sperm.

This means that the prostate is important when it comes to reproduction. The prostate and the seminal glands provide semen.

The semen then carries the sperm to fertilize an egg, which can lead to pregnancy.

If a surgeon removes the prostate, such as during an RP, it will not be possible to make semen.


Many people originally thought that the prostate carrying semen through the prostatic urethra — the longest and widest part of the urethra — triggered the ejaculatory reflex, which is the point of orgasm.

However, dry orgasms, wherein the body does not produce any semen, are also possible.

This means that the prostate carrying semen through the penis does not trigger an orgasm. It is possible to have an orgasm without the prostate.

Several health conditions can affect the prostate. One of these is prostate cancer.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), prostate cancer affects roughly 13% of males in the United States.

However, there are several ways to maintain a healthy prostate.

For example, the Prostate Cancer Foundation recommend:

  • following a healthful diet and exercising often
  • cutting down on red meat and dairy products
  • not consuming more than 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day
  • eating more fish, especially that which is high in omega-3
  • eating more vegetables and soy-based foods
  • drinking green tea
  • avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol

It is important to communicate with sexual partners to discover new erogenous areas.

According to a 2013 article, some common erogenous zones include:

  • the penis
  • the mouth and lips
  • the scrotum
  • the inner thigh
  • the neck

The male G spot is the prostate. It is located just inside the rectum, and a person can stimulate the prostate either internally or externally.

Although it is not clear exactly how the prostate provides pleasure, it is possible that pleasure comes from the stimulation of the nerves attached to the prostate.

Another theory is that the brain can reinforce a positive association between prostate stimulation and pleasure.

During an RP, a surgeon will remove the prostate. This can have several side effects, including taking longer to orgasm and not being able to orgasm.

Because a prostatectomy removes the prostate from the body, it will no longer be possible to gain pleasure from prostate stimulation after this procedure.

The prostate is an important organ. Fluid from the prostate comprises 30% of the semen that appears after ejaculation. It also protects the sperm from fluid that would otherwise kill it inside the body.

However, it is not necessary to have a prostate in order to have an orgasm.

There are many ways to maintain a healthy prostate, such as eating a healthful diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, and avoiding alcohol.

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