Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial-like tissue grows outside of the uterus. The chronic pain of endometriosis can lead to emotional symptoms and mental health conditions such as depression.

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Many people with endometriosis experience severe pain, bloating, and cramping, especially during and before their menstrual periods. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers and home remedies can help, but they don’t completely relieve the significant pain that people with endometriosis often experience.

The ongoing pain can affect a person’s daily life. Some people with the condition develop depression, a mood disorder that causes feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States and affects almost twice as many females as males.

Read more to learn about the link between endometriosis and depression, how people can cope, and more.

According to a 2017 literature review, people with endometriosis report high incidences of psychiatric conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Research suggests a link between endometriosis and depression. However, scientists do not yet know how or if endometriosis directly causes depression.

Experts think that the chronic pelvic pain (CPP) associated with endometriosis plays a role. This severe, ongoing pain can significantly affect a person’s everyday life. They may have to call in sick to work or school, cancel plans with friends, and withdraw from intimate relationships because of their symptoms.

As a result, their mental health can worsen.

A 2018 meta-analysis showed that among people with endometriosis, those with pelvic pain had significantly higher rates of depression.

Endometriosis is a common gynecological condition. It affects around 10–15% of females of reproductive age.

It can cause symptoms including:

Additionally, it can be difficult to diagnose. Many individuals with endometriosis consult multiple doctors before receiving a diagnosis. This leaves them living with chronic, unexplained pain for years, which can negatively affect their mental health.

People with endometriosis alongside anxiety or depression may also have lower self-esteem and a more negative body image.

This could relate to the functional limitations of their bodies. However, it can also be a result of physical changes that many people with endometriosis experience, including:

  • surgery scars
  • unintentional weight gain from hormonal therapy
  • tiredness and lethargy from heavy bleeding and anemia
  • menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, fatigue, reduced libido, and vaginal dryness

Some research also indicates a link between endometriosis and changes in brain chemistry. A 2018 study in mice found that those with endometriosis had increased pain sensitivity and were more likely to have depression.

However, this link is not properly understood. Scientists need to conduct more research to understand if and why endometriosis affects brain chemistry in humans.

Although endometriosis is a relatively common condition, it is still poorly understood. Many people have difficulty accessing the support they need.

Support groups are an excellent option for those with endometriosis. They provide emotional support, guidance, and knowledge from others living with the condition.

In addition, if people develop depression, a support group can help them feel less isolated.

There are numerous support groups available for those with endometriosis. The website endometriosis.org provides a comprehensive list of global support groups.

Learn more about mental health and find resources at our dedicated hub.

Endometriosis is a relatively common condition where tissues similar to the uterine lining grow elsewhere in the body. It causes chronic pelvic pain, which is associated with higher rates of depression.

Living with significant pain can increase a person’s chances of mental health problems.

Support groups are valuable sources of information and emotional support for people with endometriosis.