When a person has an allergic reaction, there may be a whistling sound that is more noticeable when they exhale. This sound is wheezing and people may refer to it as allergic wheezing.

During an allergic reaction, the throat and lungs may tighten. In this case, the body needs to work harder to take in enough air, which can lead to a high-pitched sound when the person exhales.

This article explores treatments for wheezing and its causes, including allergies, allergic asthma, and anaphylactic shock.

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Various factors can cause wheezing, and identifying the right one is crucial in providing treatment. Some possible causes include:

Allergic reactions

An allergic reaction is how the body responds to a foreign substance, called an allergen, that it misidentifies as harmful.

This reaction can cause symptoms in the:

  • nose
  • throat
  • ears
  • eyes
  • lungs
  • stomach lining
  • skin

Examples of allergens that can cause wheezing include:

  • pollen
  • dust
  • pet hair
  • certain foods
  • insect stings
  • certain medications

Inflammation of the airways

When the body detects an allergen, it tries to reject it by producing antibodies and chemicals, such as histamine. Histamine causes the airways to become inflamed and constricted, and it also causes the body to produce mucus to help expel the allergen.

As a result, the airways become narrower. When a person breathes through narrowed airways, the air is forced through a smaller-than-usual space, and a whistling sound can result. This sound is wheezing.

Some causes of wheezing result in short-lived symptoms. Others can cause symptoms that are more serious or longer lasting.

Allergic wheezing

The main symptom of allergic wheezing is the sound itself. Some people describe it as high-pitched, musical, whistle-like, or squeaky. It can be accompanied by a cough and a feeling of pressure in the chest.

Wheezing is most noticeable during exhalation. A person may also experience discomfort in their throat or chest.

When an allergic reaction causes the throat to tighten, it can produce stridor, another high-pitched sound. This stems from difficulty getting air into the body.

Allergic asthma

Not everyone with allergic wheezing has allergic asthma. But many people with asthma have attacks that are triggered by allergens. In fact, allergic asthma is the most common type of asthma, affecting about 60% of people with the condition.

Allergic asthma is a long-term condition. Another name for it is “allergen-induced asthma.”

Beyond wheezing, people with this type of asthma usually experience:

  • coughing
  • shortness of breath
  • rapid breathing
  • chest tightness

Anaphylactic shock

People with more serious allergies can have a severe reaction called anaphylactic shock. If this happens, the person needs medical care immediately.

If wheezing accompanies any of the following, it could indicate anaphylactic shock:

  • difficulty breathing
  • rapid breathing
  • a bluish tinge to the skin
  • swelling of the face or lips

Other underlying conditions

Wheezing is usually a response to allergens, though it can stem from an underlying condition, such as an infection. It may also be a sign of other underlying health conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, known as COPD, or heart disease.

If a person has no history of allergies or asthma, wheezing may be a cause for concern. People should speak to the doctor if they:

  • have wheezing for the first time
  • experience recurrent wheezing
  • have pain while breathing

A doctor first performs a physical exam, which helps them rule out underlying health conditions.

Next, they test lung function by measuring how much air moves in and out when a person breathes. The doctor may administer a drug called a bronchodilator to open up the airways and help with their assessment.

If the cause of wheezing is not yet apparent, the doctor may:

  • administer specific drugs that trigger asthma
  • measure the nitric oxide in the person’s breath, which can indicate airway inflammation
  • request a chest X-ray or CT scan
  • perform skin and blood tests for specific allergies

If test results point to asthma, the doctor will ask how often the symptoms occur to gauge the severity of the condition.

A variety of factors may cause allergic wheezing, and tests can determine which is responsible and what is likely the best approach to treatment.

Anyone who is having difficulty breathing should receive medical attention, and anyone who may be experiencing anaphylactic shock should receive emergency care.