Dry eye is when the eye is unable to produce tears properly, or tears evaporate too quickly. Ways of relieving the discomfort include applying a warm compress and using eye drops.

People with dry eye may experience a stinging or burning sensation in their eyes or feel as if something is caught in their eyes. The affected eye may be red and painful or emit a stringy discharge.

People with dry eye also sometimes experience blurred vision, or their eyes may get tired easily, especially when reading or using a computer.

There are a number of home remedies and lifestyle changes that can reduce symptoms of dry eye and prevent the condition. This article will look at both, along with medical treatments for when home remedies do not help.

It is recommended that people with dry eye drink as much as 8–10 glasses of water a day and stop smoking if they smoke.

Supplements or dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids may decrease symptoms of dry eye. These acids also have several other health benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found naturally in:

  • salmon
  • sardines
  • anchovies
  • seeds, such as flax seeds
  • oils
  • broccoli
  • spinach
  • nuts
  • beans

One 2016 study showed a possible link between dry eyes and a deficiency in vitamin D. People with dry eye should remember to discuss the use and dosage of any nutritional supplements or vitamins with their doctor before taking them.

For people with diabetes specifically, blood sugar levels should be kept within the recommended range to avoid eye damage.

There are two main types of dry eye.

Aqueous tear-deficient dry eye

Aqueous tear-deficient dry eye is when the tear glands are unable to produce enough of the fluid component of tears to clean the surface of the eye properly.

This type of dry eye is also sometimes called “painful blindness dry eye.” It is caused by damage to the tear gland by various factors, such as aging, pollution, or side effects from some medicines. It is usually more common in women, especially after menopause.

Evaporative dry eye

The other main type of dry eye is known as evaporative dry eye. This type is caused by inflammation of another set of glands located in the eyelids, the meibomian glands.

The inflammation may cause clogging of the meibomian glands and prevents these glands from producing enough of an oil that helps stop tears from evaporating too quickly. This is more often found in men.

Other causes

There are some other causes of dry eye. For instance, people who use these medicines may sometimes experience dry eye as a side effect:

Diseases affecting the skin on or around the eyelids may also cause dry eye symptoms, as can some allergies. Immune system disorders such as Sjögren’s syndrome, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis may also cause dry eye.

Long-term use of contacts can result in dry eye symptoms. This is due to the loss of sensation in the cornea.

People who have had LASIK eye surgery may have dry eye for 3–6 months after having the surgery.

Dry eye can occur to anyone, at any age. However, older adults seem to be particularly at risk for dry eye. An estimated 3 million women and 1 million men over the age of 50 in the United States have dry eye.

Women are known to be more at risk for dry eye when pregnant and after menopause.