Essential tremor is a neurological condition and movement disorder that causes involuntary shaking or trembling of part of the body, such as the hands, head, or jaw.

Essential tremor is the most common movement disorder, and around 10 million people in the United States experience it.

Essential tremor usually occurs alone, without other neurological symptoms, though some people may also have trouble with balance, for example.

Many people with Parkinson’s disease experience tremors, but essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease are different. Experts are still investigating possible links between the two.

In this article, we describe the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of essential tremor.

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The main symptom of essential tremor is trembling, particularly of the hands. The person cannot control this movement, which tends to have a rhythmic pattern. It may be an up-and-down or side-to-side motion.

Essential tremor usually affects both sides of the body, but it may be more noticeable on one side. A person may have the tremor in their:

  • face
  • head
  • neck
  • hands
  • arms
  • trunk
  • voice
  • legs and feet, less commonly

Essential tremor does not usually happen at rest. It can happen during activities such as eating and drinking, shaving, applying makeup, or writing. A person may also notice it when they hold out their hands.

The tremor is progressive, which means that it tends to become more severe over time. It can make daily activities, such as drinking from a glass, tying up shoelaces, or writing difficult.

A person with essential tremor may also experience:

  • changes in the way they walk
  • changes in thinking
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • personality changes
  • ataxia, a reduced ability to coordinate voluntary movements
  • a loss of hearing and the sense of smell, in some people

Essential tremor is a neurological condition and a movement disorder. Tremors happen when there is faulty signaling between the nerves and the muscles they connect with, but the exact cause remains unclear.

There may be genetic factors involving specific chromosomes or the nervous system, but research has not yet confirmed this. According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), 17–50% of essential tremor cases may be hereditary.

The risk of developing essential tremor increases with age, but anyone can have it, including children.

There may be links between essential tremor and:

Some experts have suggested that people with essential tremor may have a higher risk of developing other neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease and hearing loss, especially if the tremor starts after the age of 65 years.

There may also be a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, according to NORD.

Learn more about the causes of hand tremors.


Some factors can make essential tremor more pronounced. These include:

Alcohol consumption can worsen tremor during a hangover, in the short term, and if a dependency develops, in the long term.

While a small study in 10 people found that tremor improved 45 minutes after consuming alcohol — drinking is not a treatment for essential tremor, and it can increase the risk of many severe health problems.

There is no test for essential tremor. Instead, a doctor tends to:

  • look at the person’s symptoms
  • ask about their personal and family medical histories
  • ask about any medications
  • perform a physical examination
  • do some tests, if appropriate, to rule out other conditions

To evaluate the tremor, the doctor may ask the individual to:

  • pour and drink water
  • touch their fingers to their nose
  • hold their hands out in front of them
  • write
  • draw a spiral

They will also assess the person’s:

  • muscle strength and tone
  • tendon reflexes
  • gait
  • posture and coordination
  • ability to feel certain sensations

Tests to rule out other conditions might include a blood test to check levels of thyroid hormones and an MRI scan of the brain.

Essential tremor is a neurological condition and movement disorder that leads to trembling. It often affects the hands and head, but it can affect other areas, such as the limbs and trunk. Experts do not know exactly why it develops, but genetics may play a role.

If symptoms are mild, treatment may not be necessary. If the tremor affects the quality of life, a doctor may suggest medication, physical therapy, surgery, or a combination.